Q. What are your hours?

A. Our catering team is available by phone and email Monday through Friday 9am–5pm.

Q. How do I place an order?

A.You can place an order online, email or call 1-855-80-CATER. If you need to place an order within 48 hours, call your desired location directly. Online orders are available for pick-up only within 24 hours.  

Q.  What services do you offer?

A.  We offer pickup, basic delivery and full-service catering.

Pickup: There is no minimum order required.

Basic Delivery: There is a $200 minimum order (not including delivery fee) for all delivery orders. Our standard delivery fee is $30 and is subject to change depending on drop off location. All deliveries require at least 72-hour notice and subject to availability.

Full-Service Catering: Our full-service option provides everything you need from menu planning, service staff and rentals. Speak to one of our specialists for more pricing and information.

Q. What does your basic delivery include?

A. Basic delivery includes delivery and basic setup of your order. Warming dishes for food delivery are available for a fee.

Q. Does the online menu and brochure cover every menu and service available?

A. No. Call our Catering Department to discuss customizing foods and services to your specific needs.

Q. How far in advance do I need to place my order?

A.All orders are subject to availability.  We kindly ask at least 48-hour notice for all pickup orders and at least 72-hour notice for delivery orders. When our calendar allows, and if you’re in a pinch, contact us anyway! If we can accommodate your order we will! Orders for the weekend must be confirmed by Wednesday; orders for Mondays must be confirmed by noon on Friday.

Q. How do I pay for my order?

A. Delivery and Full Service orders require a credit card in advance. The credit card will be held securely to charge your final balance.

Q. What if I need to make any changes to my order?

A. We require at least 2 day notice for any increases to your order to allow us time to make the necessary adjustments.

Q. What is your cancellation policy?

A. For weekday orders, please let us know within 24 hours. For weekend or Monday orders, please let us know the Friday before for any cancellations.